Friday, December 7, 2012

Checked by a Boda

I was riding my bike to primary.  There was a path with maize on one side and sweet potatoes on the other side.  The maize was very high so I couldn't see around the turn.  When I turned the corner I saw a man with a blue shirt and  . . . BOOM!  I had been hit by a motorcycle.  I flew onto the ground off my bike. I looked down and saw a deep cut in my foot and scrapes all over my body.  The man took me to the clinic and a nurse put ointment and bandages on.  I got a ride home on the motorcycle which was the best part.  My foot is healing up well.


  1. Glad to know you're healing well John and thankful it was no worse. X

  2. Next time you should make sure that the person or thing checking you is more your own size. Glad you had a ride on the motorcycle though.
    The Snowshoe Finlaysons

  3. I hope you guys have a great Christmas!

    Uncle Sandy

  4. Oh John!! A motorcycle. We are all so glad that you are ok. Thank you for sending us the note. We are glad to have your blog to look at. Evan misses you lots and would love to hear from you personally if you have the time to email at
    I wish you and your whole family a very blessed and joyful Christmas!
    With love,
    Evan, Sean, Chuck and kristy
